Carrasco: "Mon but, un moment spécial pour moi"

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Carrasco: "Mon but, un moment spécial pour moi"
Photo: © photonews

Le Diable rouge a grandement participé au succès de l'Atlético Madrid sur la pelouse de Valence en inscrivant le troisième but de son équipe.

De retour après trois semaines d'absence en raison d'une blessure à la cheville, Yannick Carrasco a été l'auteur d'une très bonne montée au jeu lors de Valence - Atlético Madrid puisque le Diable a inscrit son quatrième but de la saison en Liga:

"Cela a été un moment spécial pour moi car je ne marque pas beaucoup et inscrire un but en revenant de blessure, c'est très important pour mon mental", a expliqué YFC sur le site de l'Atlético.

Vainqueur 1-3 de Valence, le club madrilène est toujours à huit points de retard sur Barcelone. Pourtant, Carrasco croit encore au titre: "Nous devons continuer à gagner des matchs en espérant que Barcelone en perde quelques-uns."

It has been special for me because I don’t score many goals and to return after the injury and score is very important for the mindset. We have to keep winning games and hopefully Barcelona loses some," he said.

And to finish, Lucas, who was a starter at Mestalla, stated that: "I’m very happy for this victory. We knew that it wasn't going to be an easy match. From the first minute of the game, we've gone all out for our goal which was to win

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It has been special for me because I don’t score many goals and to return after the injury and score is very important for the mindset. We have to keep winning games and hopefully Barcelona loses some," he said.

And to finish, Lucas, who was a starter at Mestalla, stated that: "I’m very happy for this victory. We knew that it wasn't going to be an easy match. From the first minute of the game, we've gone all out for our goal which was to win

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It has been special for me because I don’t score many goals and to return after the injury and score is very important for the mindset. We have to keep winning games and hopefully Barcelona loses some," he said.

And to finish, Lucas, who was a starter at Mestalla, stated that: "I’m very happy for this victory. We knew that it wasn't going to be an easy match. From the first minute of the game, we've gone all out for our goal which was to win

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